A note From the President of the Rudana |
Om Swastiastu,
Welcome to the Website of the Rudana
In the spirit of Unity in Diversity, once again I would like to welcome all art creators, practitioners and art lovers to Museum Rudana virtually. Through virtual communication networks we hope to update the information about the latest developments Rudana Museum. Through the synergy between the Museum Rudana with the wider community we hope we can echo the art of Bali and Indonesia to international audience.
Fresh ideas for integrating the activities of non fine art, but still within the realm of art, became my priority in the different art events and exhibitions. In 2010 we organized a series of exhibitions that integrated exhibitions of paintings, drawing cartoons, Jazz performances with famous musicians such as Dwiki Dharmawan and international Jazz musician Toninho Horta called Panca Tan Matra. A synergy of yoga festival at the Museum Rudana called Angkus Prana and other art activities were organized following the Panca Tan Matra art festival. In 23 of May 2011 we organized a big art event called Bali Inspires incorporating art and cultural activities such as literature, art performance by a leading dancer and a book launch of Bali Inspires.
Looking ahead, we would like to contribute some ideas with the comprehensive mapping of art and culture to more global context . I hope this contribution can bring some benefit to our bilateral diplomacy efforts for our country, Indonesia.
My vision, that I laid out in my previous book - Menuju Visi Sempurna, refering to, as translated from the Indonesian title, the concept of moving towards perfection. At least there are three concept that I think we should build in order for us to move to the direction. The first point in this concept of striving to achieve Positive Character. It means that we should strive to contribute the best we can to our self and then to the others. Once we acquire this positive quality, then we can contribute to our surrounding. Certainly this character needs to be translated into practice in our day to day life.
Second, True Democrat. It means that as an individual we become a component of our society and state. Therefore, as a social person we have some responsibility that we should fulfill to our society. And, as a member of Indonesian society, we have to learn to be a true democrat in its true sense. It isa quality that we can achieve through a long process of learning to live with our society. The Essence of becoming a true democrat is when we, as a member of a society, contribute positively to the diverse and heterogeneous society regardless of our racial, religious and political affiliation and background.
Finally, the concept of Peaceful Archipelago, which is our guiding principle in the context of global and international arena. As a citizen of the world, we at the Rudana try our best to contribute to the world peace through total and spiritual diplomacy manifested through the local, national and international fine art and cultural activities.
And , finally let me share with you reflection of my Thought.
Inspiration comes from the skies, transmitted through different mediums: nature and its components, human beings with all their activities. May our nation, Indonesia be enriched with a new paradigm of BALI that stands for Beautiful, Amazing, Loving Indonesia. The natural beauty of the country famous around the world, the amazing diverse cultures that make Indonesia one great nation and the peace loving and friendly population that always warmly welcome visitors around the globe – all that inspire Indonesia to become an inspirational Indonesia as a peaceful citizen of the world.
It is my innermost prayer: Bali is truly Beautiful, Amazing, Loving Indonesia. Therefore:
Beautiful, Amazing, Loving Indonesia
Bali Inspires
Om Canti Canti Canti Om
Putu Supadma Rudana
President of the Rudana